I am the makeup junkie

REVIEW: MANTRA MASK, READY TO FACE THE WORLD #MANTRAMASK #SHEETMASK #MASK (product photos courtesy of www.mantramask.com) Mantra Mask: Ready To Face The WorldKim Wellen, the founder of Mantra Mask, has always loved skincare…

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5 Best Anti-Aging Tips

I love lists.  I think most people do.  If your a busy person you probably have at least one list in your office and one list in your kitchen.  Busy people love anything "at a glance" so here are our 5 anti-aging tips for winter.

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What is CBD oil?

CBD oil can reduce acne because of its anti-inflammatory properties that may work to reduce the visible inflammation caused by clogged hair follicles. In addition to the anti-inflammatory function, CBD oil may also help treat acne in a number of other ways.

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