What we eat affects everything including skin color, skin texture, skin dryness, hormone balance, inflammation, and more.
Here are some examples how food affects your skin:

Olive Oil
A diet high in olive oil (more than teaspoons a day) was associated with fewer signs of aging. Olive has been found to be superior to other oils like sunflower and peanut. The antioxidant polyphenols in olive oil have a positive affect on damaging free radicals.

Combine tomato paste daily, along with olive oil, and your skin will enjoy more protection from sunburn! The antioxidant lycopene in tomatoes actually improves skin’s natural SPF.

Coco is rich in flavanols which is high in antioxidant properties. This helps to hydrate skin and improve circulation. A diet high in flavanol cocoa powder can reduce skin roughness and scaliness. They only down side is too much chocolate could create a caloric issue. Many just enjoy 1 ounce of chocolate to gain the skin benefits without the weight gain.

Sardines contains a good amount of omega-3 fatty acids, making it one of the best sources of the best fat. It is a great anti-inflammatory and inflammation can be a cause of acne. Salmon is also a good source of omega-3 and can help your skin look good too.

Green tea
Green tea has been known to keep skin elastic and smooth, and it can provide a little sun block affect to the skin as well. The team contains catechins (antioxidants) which increase blood flow and oxygen to the skin, that aids in delivering key nutrients to keep your skin healthy.

Walnuts are the only type of nut that contains a significant amount of omega-3 fatty acids. The specific omega-3 is alpha-linolenic acid. A lack of alpha-linolenic acid can result in eczema, (dry, scaly skin) so add Walnuts if you tend to have dry skin or have eczema in your family tree.

Orange peels
The peels of Oranges can benefit the skin with a decreased risk for squamous cell carcinoma. Juice and fruit won’t have the effect, it has to be the peels. It’s the limonene in the oil of the peels that offers UV-protective benefits.

Almond Milk
Almond Milk is listed because its non-dairy. Research shows dairy can be highly inflammatory, which feeds acne, wrinkles, and rashes, so when you have a need for milk, chose a non-dairy option like almond milk.

Water keeps your body and skin hydrated, that’s a no-brainer, and hydration can make your skin more plump and less wrinkled. The sugar found in juices, sodas, and sports drinks are not beneficial to skin, instead the sugars can attach to proteins in collagen and cause the skin to sag and wrinkle. Hard to eat cake after learning this!

Oysters are the best source of dietary zinc. Six oysters provide over 500% of your daily need and they carry just 57 calories. The minerals are beneficial in the growth and function of skin cells and some studies show that people who suffer from acne are deficient in zinc.

Kiwi’s are high in vitamin C—One kiwi can provide 120% of your daily need. Vitamin C stimulates collagen which keeps skin taught and smooths fine lines.A diet high in vitamin C was also associated with less dryness and less noticeable wrinkles.
It has been said that people who ate a lot of green and yellow vegetables had fewer wrinkles, especially in the crow’s feet area. It is thought it is due to the antioxidants that fight aging free radicals.
Carrots can give your skin color, but be careful too many can and will turn you Orange!
Want to see what foods are BAD for your skin? Continue to read here.