The History of CBD
SHARE Facebook Twitter Youtube Cannabidiol, commonly known as CBD, is a natural compound found in hemp and marijuana plants. Unlike the psychoactive compound tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)
Raise your hand if you hit a WALL at 4 o’clock? Because I sure do. Somedays it’s just the “Sleepies” that I can battle through, other days I just want to put on my sweats and crawl into bed for a good hour, which isn’t very realistic!
I’ve had a long history of trying to figure out how to get through the 4 o’clock Sleepies… When I was just out of college and working in an office the sleepies hit HARD. Something about sitting in the same cube all day was a real drag. I didn’t want to pull a George Costanza under my desk so my pick-up of choice became sugar. My work bestie and I would run down the street to the little overpriced market and get a bag of bin food candy to get us through the rest of the day. It was a huge sugar rush which we rode out until 6 pm. I could get by with that at age 24, but not at 46, that’s for sure. That kind of consistent sugar bomb would wreak havoc on my 46-year old skin and body!
Moving into my late 20s and 30s, my 4 o’clock boost of choice became an afternoon coffee. OH how I loved my coffee! It was the perfect pick me up and got me through until my 9pm collapse on the couch with a glass of wine. I was definitely on the coffee /wine teeter totter.
Well it took me a while to realize that that roller coaster was leading to total exhaustion and burnout. Plus the late afternoon coffee would almost always have me waking up at 2 or 3 am staring at the ceiling. It took me years to figure that one out!
Now my goal is to create new healthy habits to get through the 4 o’clock yawns. Something that can fit into the work day and give me that charge to get through the last few emails, make some dinner, then have energy to connect with family in the evening.
Here’s what I am trying, what works for you?
A quick call with a friend that energizes me. You know those friends that always make you laugh? You can catch up on the day and share a funny story. Immediate boost of mood and energy!
Get outside. Most days there is a bit of time to walk the dog around the block. The vitamin D and fresh air wakes up my mind. Added bonus: If I leave my phone at home, I can think more creatively about whatever project I am working on.
HYDRATION, but make it fun! I pour myself a huge class of sparkly water and add in lemon, lime, whatever I have around. It makes the water more enjoyable and feels like a little treat. For FULL hydration, I also put on a Mantra Mask. I feel pampered and it makes my skin glow for my evening plans. Whether it’s dinner out or Netflix.
Ditch the sugar, get out the protein. Something healthy and filling in my belly wakes up my body.
Good food = Good Energy.
Plus, It also keeps me from snacking away while I am making dinner later in the evening. I love a handful of peanut butter filled pretzels or nuts with some chocolate chips added in.
So that’s what I have so far, these are my new healthy habits to get myself over the 4 pm hump. So far so good, I am staying awake and actually being productive!
Please share what works for you, I’d love to hear!
SHARE Facebook Twitter Youtube Cannabidiol, commonly known as CBD, is a natural compound found in hemp and marijuana plants. Unlike the psychoactive compound tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)
SHARE Facebook Twitter Youtube Cannabidiol, commonly known as CBD, is a natural compound found in the hemp plant, which has gained a lot of popularity
SHARE Facebook Twitter Youtube CBD (cannabidiol) and THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) are two of the most common cannabinoids found in marijuana and hemp plants. While both have
SHARE Facebook Twitter Youtube CBD, or cannabidiol, is a naturally-occurring compound found in the cannabis plant. Unlike THC, the other major active compound in cannabis,
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